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by Puddle Pirate


"Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy and forgiveness that should not be associated with acts of violence against the innocent."
   - Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

After 9/11 and two wars, I'm skeptical of that claim, but until recently I had nothing but anecdotal evidence to lean on. This week, I went looking for facts to help me evaluate CAIR's assertion. I originally thought that in the worst case, as many as 10% of Muslims might support suicide bombing. It turns out I'm a starry-eyed optimist. Over 270 million Muslims (that's consistent with the over one third of all Muslims surveyed) approve of suicide bombings, if the data's accurate.

I hope I'm overestimating, but unfortunately I think I'm right.

First, my sources. The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press recently conducted two surveys of Muslim attitudes, one called "What the World Thinks in 2002" (, 12/4/2002) and the other called "A Year After Iraq War" (, 3/16/2004). Both reports listed the percentage of Muslim respondents who thought suicide bombings were acceptable. The pertinent part of the 2002 report covered Bangladesh, Ghana, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, and Uzbekistan. The pertinent part of the 2004 report covered Turkey, Pakistan, Morocco, and Jordan. I also looked through the CIA's World Factbook ( to get demographic information on each country.

Next, my assumptions and biases. I'm assuming that the folks at The Pew Center and the CIA have published accurate information. I pray the Pew folks got wildly overstated results ... but the pessimist in me doubts that. My bias has long been decidedly unfavorable toward Islam, and it's been worse since 9/11. I'm an evangelical Christian conservative, a registered Republican, and a military veteran. I judge individual Muslims on their own behavior, and have known several quite nice ones. Nevertheless I consider Islam in general to be a threat to the Judeo-Christian culture and liberties that we enjoy here in America.

That said, let's crunch the numbers. Approval rates for suicide bombing range from Uzbekistan's 7% up to Jordan's 86%. With 710,884,350 Muslims in these sixteen countries, an average of 38.3% approve of suicide bombings. That comes to 272,564,884 potential Muslim suicide bombers.

How many suicide bombers are there?



Country Population % Muslim Number of Muslims % Muslims who agree with Suicide Bombing Potential Suicide Bombers
Bangladesh 138,448,210 83% 114,912,014 44% 50,561,286
Ghana 20,467,747 16% 3,274,840 30% 982,452
Indonesia 234,893,453 88% 206,706,239 27% 55,810,684
Ivory Coast 16,962,491 35% 5,936,872 56% 3,324,648
Jordan 5,460,265 94% 5,132,649 86% 4,414,078
Lebanon 3,727,703 70% 2,609,392 73% 1,904,856
Mali 11,626,219 90% 10,463,597 32% 3,348,351
Morocco 31,689,265 98.7% 31,277,305 74% 23,145,205
Nigeria 133,881,703 50% 66,940,852 47% 31,462,200
Pakistan 150,694,740 97% 146,173,898 47% 68,701,732
Senegal 10,580,307 94% 9,945,489 28% 2,784,737
Tanzania 35,922,454 35% 12,572,859 18% 2,263,115
Turkey 68,109,469 100% 67,973,250 31% 21,071,708
Uganda 25,632,794 16% 4,101,247 29% 1,189,362
Uzbekistan 25,981,647 88% 22,863,849 7% 1,600,469
16-Country Total 914,078,467 77.8% 710,884,350 38.3% 272,564,884
Country Population % Muslim Number of Muslims % Muslims who agree with Suicide Bombing Potential Suicide Bombers
Afghanistan 28,717,213 99% 28,430,041 1% 284,300
Egypt 74,718,797 94% 70,235,669 1% 702,357
Gaza Strip 1,274,868 98.7% 1,258,295 1% 12,583
Iran 68,278,826 99% 67,596,038 1% 675,960
Iraq 24,683,313 97% 23,942,814 1% 239,428
Israel 6,116,533 14.6% 893,014 0.1% 893
Libya 5,499,074 97% 5,334,102 1% 53,341
Saudi Arabia 24,293,844 100% 24,293,844 1% 242,938
Syria 17,585,540 90% 15,826,986 1% 158,270
Turkmenistan 4,775,544 89% 4,250,234 1% 42,502
United States 290,342,554 2.4% 7,000,000 0.1% 7,000
West Bank 2,237,194 75% 1,677,896 1% 16,779
12-Country Estimate 548,523,300 45.7% 250,738,931 1.0% 2,436,352
Combined Total 1,462,601,767 65.7% 961,623,282 28.6% 275,001,236

Anybody got a flak jacket I can borrow?

I can hear the protests already. "But that's not a representative sample!" Alright, point taken. Perhaps the good folks at The Pew Center should ask people in more countries about their attitudes (assuming those dictatorships allow them in to begin with). Ask them about their chosen venues, not me. I just run their numbers. But fine, I'll humor the Muslim apologists. Let's cast a wider net right here and now.

Let's add in twelve more places with significant Muslim populations: Afghanistan, Egypt, the Gaza Strip, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkmenistan, the USA, and the West Bank. We have demographic information from the CIA as before, but the Pew studies didn't cover those countries, so we don't know how many of these Muslims think suicide bombing is acceptable. For the sake of argument I'll be insanely generous and estimate that it's a mere 1%. I'll go even further; in the USA and Israel I'll call it just 0.1%, since Muslims in these two countries are presumably enlightened and moderate. I'll even use CAIR's very optimistic estimate of a U.S. Muslim population of seven million (, just to show I'm a nice guy. With those estimates, what shakes out for these twelve countries/territories? We have 250,738,931 Muslims ... 2,436,352 of whom are in favor of suicide bombing. Israel has only 893 of its own to watch out for. How many in America, land of the 99.9% peace-loving Muslim? Seven thousand.

Better get crackin', Team Ashcroft.

Merge my incredibly low-ball estimates with the original Pew data, and we get 275,001,236 suicide bombing fans (28.6% of the total). Keep in mind that these figures are drastically skewed toward the low end because of my concession to the "99% peace-loving" meme. Any takers on whether the Saudis, Syrians, Iranians, and Palestinians show a smidgen more than 1% approval?

So, is this The Religion of Peace? You be the judge.


Puddle Pirate describes himself as "a retired U.S. Coast Guard officer and graduate of the USCG Academy and recent law school graduate. I'm pro-life, pro-gun, pro-capital punishment, anti-big government, pro-military ... and an Israel-boosting Christian conservative. I blog regularly on the War on Terror, the military, politics, law, bioethics, and pop culture." This essay appeared April 11, 2004 on the Brain Shavings weblog website ( It is archived at

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