by Fred Dardick

How many times have we heard the same old tired line, that only an infinitesimally small, almost imperceptible number of Muslims are radicalized? You know the story: a couple of young men cut the head off of a soldier in middle of a busy street yelling "Allahu Akbar" is followed by a litany of Islamic apologists[1] on the airwaves claiming that the majority of Muslims are quite moderate and would never, ever condone such actions. Sounds great, but is it true? Short answer: Not even close.

The truth is the majority of Islamists are far more radical than what most Americans can appreciate. Take the question of apostates; those who leave Islam for another religion. According to the Koran the penalty is death. No negotiation, no compromise, just take the poor victim out back and cut off his head. The vast majority of Americans would consider such a penalty for switching religions a bit extreme, but according to a 2013 Pew Research Survey[2] over 50% of Islamists in the Middle East and South Asia view beheading as an appropriate punishment for turning your back on Allah.

Then there's the question of punishment for female adulterers, which according to Islam is death by stoning, a view that is once again shared by over 50% of Islamists in the Middle East and North Africa. No wonder Islamic fathers and brothers have a tendency to murder their daughters and sisters when they "dishonor" their family - they're just following the example set for them by the Koran. Abu Azmi, a leader in the Indian Socialist Party and practicing Islamist, went even further by suggesting that female victims of rape should "be hanged"[3] because they engaged in "sex" outside of marriage, a not at all unusual opinion in the Muslim world.

So while millions upon millions of Muslims are calling for the violent death of their neighbors who find Christ or are smitten with love, what do they think about actual dyed-in-the-wool terrorism? Here is where things get interesting. Rather than a majority getting behind bus bombings and school bloodbaths, the support for terrorist attacks against civilian targets drops to 20% or less in most Muslim communities, which is still around 250 million people worldwide openly applauding heinous crimes against their fellow man, a gigantic, mind-numbing number, but also likely means that 1 in 4 of them are lying. If you're going to support murdering your next door neighbor for converting to Christianity or stoning your daughter to death for having a boyfriend, what could you possibly care about a bus full of Brits getting blown to hell in London?

Then there is the question of Sharia Law, which well over 80% of Muslims favor making the official law of the land. Decidedly non-Western values like legalized slavery and second-class citizen status for non-Muslims would soon follow. Iraq recently showed what happens when you base a modern legal system on 7th century values - the Iraqi parliament[4] is considering a bill that would legalize marriage for 9 year olds, prevent women from leaving the house without their husband's consent, and permit marital rape, practices that most folk in the heartland of America would likely find not so moderate.

American Muslims might not be jumping on the child rape bandwagon, but neither are they immune from radical morals and values. A 2012 WND survey[5] found that 46% of American Muslims agreed that those who "criticize or parody Islam in the U.S. should face criminal charges", which kind of negates the First Amendment and quite a few other fundamental rights that most non-Muslim Americans hold dear.

No wonder there is no mass movement in the Muslim community to stand up against brutality against women or minorities. No wonder there is no unified Islamic voice speaking out for moderation in these troubled times. When the majority of a community supports principles that actively oppose freedom and call for wholesale violence against their fellow man, then that community can hardly be considered moderate.


[1] london-beheading-american-soldiers-commit-worse-atrocities-agai.html/



[4] iraq-poised-to-legalize-marriage-for-girls-as-young-as-9/?tid=hp_mm



Some of the comments that added useful information.


Tolerance Cartoon


14 Years of discussions with muslims, on the street and on the internet. Every single one of them proved they were using taqiyya (islamic holy lying), to disguise everything about islam, its past, the actual teachings, actions and examples of its so called prophet, its mainstream teaching books, quran, hadith and sira and of course its evil (as shown in their own MAINSTREAM teaching books), agenda.

What's more, they also showed they were not lying in ignorance but that their intent was (is) to knowingly and willfully deceive.

There is no such thing as a peacefull or moderate muslim, or islam, its at the moment the major pincer of their jihad and the most effective one... only of course untill they have more and more numbers.. then more and more the violent and evil mainstream teachings will be practiced - still of course with many muslims claiming (lying) thats not the real islam.


Agree, it's a myth, if the majority of Muslims were moderate, majority Muslim nations wouldn't be so oppressive and primitive. QED as far as I'm concerned.

Porkys2istan in response to Dreeber who wrote: "The curious thing is that the koran says nothing specific about killing apostates, and does not mandate stoning for adultery, only flogging. These customs continue, however, because they are part of sharia law. As with most things in islam, they are made up for someone's convenience."

You've fallen for a common islamic deception. The quran is NOT the only 'official' text for islam. Judeo-Christian texts contain:

1. The words and deeds of their god.
2. The words and deeds of their prophets and messengers.
3. Other people's words and deeds.
4. Historical and allegorical accounts.

The quran is JUST the, 'Words of Allah'. It would be like just taking everything God said in the old/new testament and throwing away all context. This is why the quran is so hard to study. It has almost NO reference point for anything. (It's also out of chronological order.)

The 'missing' parts are the HADITH: the WORDS and DEEDS of MOHAMMED. Also the SURAH: the biography of MOHAMMED. And the SHARIAH: The code of laws (and punishments) based on the Quran, Hadith, and Surah.

So when a muslim tells you that 'such and such' is not in the 'quran' he's DELIBERATELY misleading you about the true nature of islam.


There can be no hyphenated muslim citizens, either. According to muslim belief, no laws are higher than those of allah and sharia. We are kidding ourselves to think otherwise, and in a generation or two they will be voting in their own president and prime ministers, and then the US, Canada, and the west in general are finished. What kind of a life are your kids and grandkids destined for? Who will be the first Friday noon casualty in the repurposed sports field near you? Will it be a stoning, an amputation, or double header, so to speak?

Fred Dardick got a BS in Biology at Boston University and MS in Biology at Stanford University before deciding that science bored him. He now runs a staffing company in Chicago. His website is at Political Kryptonite. He can be reached at: This article appeared April 23, 2014 in the Canada Free Press website and is archived at

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