by House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Chairman: Ed Royce

Since 2013—when negotiations began—the Committee has held two dozen hearings on the nuclear negotiations and the larger threat posed by the Iranian regime. In anticipation of a vote on the Administration's nuclear agreement with Iran, the Committee will continue to hold hearings—including testimony from Senior Administration officials— to review the agreement and its implications for the security of the United States and our allies. While reviewing the agreement, Members may wish to keep in mind the following key points.

The Agreement Does Not Meet Congressional Standards. In March, 367 Members of Congress wrote President Obama that a deal must last for multiple decades and include full disclosure of Iran's past efforts to build a nuclear weapon, a dramatic reduction in the number of centrifuges, as well as intrusive inspection and verification measures. On all four counts, this agreement would not meet Congressional standards.

It Does Not Even Meet the Standards of Obama's Former Advisors. Just weeks ago, former Obama Administration officials signed a letter echoing Congress' longstanding concerns. Their letter made clear that "The agreement will not prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapons capability." When your own advisors are speaking out, you know you're on the wrong track.

The Agreement Falls short of "Anytime, Anywhere" Inspections. Iran has long used military bases to hide its nuclear program—including a facility buried deep under a mountain. Iran has long sought to block inspectors' access to such sites, once discovered. By establishing a bureaucratic process to allow inspectors "managed access" to suspected nuclear sites, this agreement will allow Iran to game the system. "Anytime, anywhere" inspections are the only way to ensure that Iran cannot continue to cheat.

Iran Does Not Need to Cheat to be a Step Away from the Bomb. Under this agreement, Iran would not be required to dismantle key bomb making technology, is permitted to retain a vast enrichment capacity, will continue nuclear research and development, and will have an internationally recognized, industrial scale nuclear program once this agreement begins to "sunset" in as little as a decade. Iran won't even have to cheat on this agreement to be a small step away from the bomb, dominate the region and boost their oppressive regime at home—all Iran has to do is wait ten years.

Iran Will Use Sanctions Relief to Support Terrorism. Iran will receive as much as $150 billion in funds held abroad—and that's just the beginning. As one commentator pointed out, this sum alone is 25 times the annual budget of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Such large scale sanctions relief will allow the Iranian economy to recover and fund a new generation of terrorism and threats against Israel from Iranian proxies including Hamas and Hezbollah. The Iranian regime doesn't care about its own people. The Obama Administration's fundamental misread of the Iranian regime is part of what makes this potential agreement so dangerous to our national security.

Iran Will Continue to Develop Ballistic Missiles. After Iran's Supreme Leader declared such restrictions "a stupid, idiotic expectation," it became clear that this agreement would not limit Iran's intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program —despite the key role that ballistic missile play in any nuclear weapons program. No country that has not aspired to possess nuclear weapons has ever opted to sustain a lengthy and expensive missile program. Simply put, nations develop ICBMs to deliver weapons of mass destruction. Iran's missiles have been a case study in how the Obama Administration has handled its nuclear negotiations with Iran — by backing off key demands.

This article summarizes the key points brought up at House Foreign Affairs hearings in July 2015 to examine what was then known of the Iranian Nuclear Deal. It is archived at

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