by Matthew Vadum

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FBI agents aren't allowed to treat individuals associated with terrorist groups as potential threats to the nation, according to a startling, newly discovered FBI directive.

The fact that a terrorism suspect is associated with a terrorist group means nothing, according to the FBI document, "Guiding Principles: Touchstone Document on Training." The "Touchstone" document, dated March 2012, is available online[1] but hasn't been reported on by major media outlets.

Federal Bureau of Investigation agents are to be instructed that "mere association with organizations that demonstrate both legitimate (advocacy) and illicit (violent extremism) objectives should not automatically result in a determination that the associated individual is acting in furtherance of the organization's illicit objective(s)," the Touchstone document states.

This is a bizarre kind of procedural fairness as viewed in a funhouse mirror, applying something akin to a "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard to an FBI investigation. Such an evidentiary threshold may be appropriate for a criminal trial, but it sets the bar far too high for mere investigations. This new rule no doubt provides aid and comfort[2] to the much-investigated phony civil rights group known as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

After first handcuffing FBI agents investigating terrorism, the Touchstone document also invokes the gods of political correctness by making FBI agents afraid of being called "racist" — even though almost all Islamic terrorism suspects come from the same part of the world.

"Training must emphasize that no investigative or intelligence collection activity may be based solely on race, ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation," the Touchstone document reads. "Specifically, training must focus on behavioral indicators that have a potential nexus to terrorist or criminal activity, while making clear that religious expression, protest activity, and the espousing of political or ideological beliefs are constitutionally protected activities that must not be equated with terrorism or criminality absent other indicia of such offenses."

The Touchstone document is examined in The Project,[3] a film about the Muslim Brotherhood's plan for America that aired in September 2012. The movie was produced by The Blaze's documentary unit (

One of the movie's arguments is that Americans' civil rights and political correctness are weapons of infiltration used by our Islamofascist enemies. This happens to be consistent with Saul Alinsky's fourth rule of "power tactics": "Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules." In other words, Islamists are using Americans' goodness, their sense of fair play, including an aversion to being accused of racial stereotyping, against America.

Five congressmen sent a letter[4] in June to Michael E. Horowitz, Inspector General at the Department of Justice, about the Touchstone document, protesting that it and other Obama administration "policies

and initiatives strike us as deeply problematic with respect to our national and homeland security." The letter was signed by Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Thomas Rooney (R-FL), and Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA).

The Touchstone document brings to mind the 1995 memo written by Bill Clinton's "Mistress of Disaster," then-Deputy Attorney Jamie Gorelick. Gorelick's directive, titled "Instructions on Separation of Certain Foreign Counterintelligence and Criminal Investigations," provided proof of the Clinton administration's distaste for fighting Islamic terrorism and hindered investigations, according to DiscoverTheNetworks:[5]

Because the memo created a barrier for U.S. intelligence agencies to share information with the FBI, one of its unintended consequences might have been to prevent the FBI from receiving the necessary intelligence to stop the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the worst in American history.

While two George Soros-funded nonprofits, the Center for American Progress and Media Matters for America, use the Alinsky playbook to try to convince Americans that "Islamophobia," a make-believe mental illness, is a threat to American democracy and pluralism, the embattled Obama administration is currently in full-time damage control mode as the president's foreign policy aimed at appeasing totalitarian Islamic theocrats collapses. The administration has been sucking up to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, a 57-state (56 sovereign states and the Palestinian Authority) group that considers itself the Caliphate reborn. The Obama administration may even be planning to promote Saudi-style anti-blasphemy laws at the behest of Islamists, as Rep. Trent Franks discovered.[6]

News of the Touchstone memo comes amidst reports that the Obama administration is considering releasing[7] 55 terrorist detainees from the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, prison camp. One of those former detainees is thought to be behind the recent torture-killing of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Benghazi, Libya.

The news also comes amidst reports that the Obama administration is working on sending[8] the "Blind Sheikh," convicted terrorist Omar Abdel-Rahman, back to Egypt where that country's new rulers would hail him as a hero for orchestrating the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

Hani Nour El-Din, a member of Abdel-Rahman's terrorist group, Jamaa Islamiya, visited[9] the Obama White House in June. He asked the Obama administration to free Abdel-Rahman, saying such a move "would be a gift to the revolution" in Egypt. Hillary Clinton's State Department had granted El-Din a visa to travel to the U.S. even though as a member of an officially designated terrorist group he is clearly ineligible.

Samuel Tadros, an Egyptian citizen and research fellow in Egyptian politics at the Hudson Institute, was astonished that El-Din was allowed into the U.S. "It would have taken the State Department five seconds to Google his name in Arabic and realize he is a member of a designated terrorist organization," he said in June.


[1] (Touchston Document on Training 2012)









THE FBI'S GUIDING PRINCIPLES Touchstone Document on Training 2012 Printable PDF Version

At various times in our history, including in our post-September 11, 2001 environment, the United States of America has confronted terrorists.[1] Many terrorists seek to justify their crimes by claiming to be fulfilling their political, religious, or social beliefs. It is imperative for the FBI to familiarize personnel with these belief systems so we can understand what motivates violent extremists, and, equally important, to uphold the constitutional system of government we are sworn to protect. The FBI must distinguish between protected thought and speech and illegal action that may be taken in whole or in part based on such ideology. In other words, thoughts alone are never illegal and extremist speech rarely is unless it incites imminent lawless activity or constitutes a true threat. To achieve its goals, the FBI's training must be accurate, based on current intelligence, and adhere to the FBI's core values, including rigorous obedience to the United States Constitution, fairness, and respect for the dignity of all those we protect.

Public service is a public trust. The public has committed to the FBI's care the safety of our nation and the defense of our Constitution. To sustain this trust and to meet our resulting obligations, we must adhere strictly to our core values. The FBI is rightfully held by the public to the highest ethical and professional standards. Consistent with these principles, FBI investigative activity is to be performed with care to protect individual rights and to ensure that investigations are confined to matters of legitimate law enforcement and national security interest.

Guiding Principles

Consistent with the training guidance issued by the Deputy Attorney General in March 2012, training undertaken by the FBI must comply with the following three principles:

1. Training must conform to constitutional principles and adhere to the FBI's core values.

FBI training must emphasize the protection of civil rights and civil liberties.[2] Training must clearly distinguish between constitutionally protected statements and activities designed to achieve political, social, or other objectives, and violent extremism, which is characterized by the use, threatened use, or advocacy[3] of use of force or violence (when directed at and likely to incite imminent lawless activity) in violation of federal law to further a movement's social or political ideologies. This distinction includes recognition of the corresponding principle that mere association with organizations that demonstrate both legitimate (advocacy) and illicit (violent extremism) objectives should not automatically result in a determination that the associated individual is acting in furtherance of the organization's illicit objective(s).

Training must emphasize that no investigative or intelligence collection activity may be based solely on race, ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation.[4] Specifically, training must focus on behavioral indicators that have a potential nexus to terrorist or criminal activity, while making clear that religious expression, protest activity, and the espousing of political or ideological beliefs are constitutionally protected activities that must not be equated with terrorism or criminality absent other indicia of such offenses.

2. Training must be tailored to the intended audience, focused to ensure message clarity, and supported with appropriate course materials.

Training must serve its intended audiences in the execution of their duties within their areas of responsibility. To be effective, training must meet relevant and articulated objectives, convey knowledge, and promote opportunities for further dialogue and learning.

Training curricula must be in standardized formats with associated training materials to conform to the best practices as embodied within these guiding principles.

3. Training must be reviewed and trainers must be knowledgeable of applicable subject material.

Current and prospective trainers must be assessed according to their ability to adhere to the standards enumerated in this document, their subject matter expertise, training techniques, and professionalism. All written materials must be reviewed carefully by supervisory-level personnel possessing an appropriate level of understanding of relevant topics.

Original authors and supervisory personnel should not hesitate to consult FBI Academy training staff in Quantico, Virginia, who may serve as a useful source of information and oversight when developing or reviewing training, particularly with respect to ensuring that training meets defined goals and adheres to these guiding principles.

Supervisory assessments must include a review of a prospective trainer's education and experience in the training subject matter. The prospective trainer's résumé must reflect appropriate subject matter expertise and training experience. Relevant training material and feedback must be solicited from other agencies or FBI audiences who have received training, and when feasible, feedback should be solicited from knowledgeable community partners. A trainer's cultural background and/or law enforcement experience may not be a substitute for substantive knowledge and training experience.

Evaluations of trainers and training material must be conducted both during and after a course and must provide constructive feedback, if necessary, to ensure any problem areas are identified and corrected in a timely manner. To the extent available, this includes appropriate research as part of any assessment of a prospective trainer to identify in advance any agenda the prospective trainer may seek to advance as part of FBI training contrary to these guiding principles and the FBI's core values.


1 The terms "terrorist" and "terrorism" are to be understood as they are defined in Section 2331 of Title 18, United States Code, namely the commission of acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any state, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any state, which appear to be intended to (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.

2 See Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG), especially Section 4: Privacy and Civil Liberties, and Least Intrusive Methods.

3 See, e.g., 18 U.S.C. 2385, Advocating Overthrow of Government.

4 See DIOG § 4.3.1, Equal Protection under the Law, Introduction; see also Department of Justice, "Guidance Regarding the Use of Race by Federal Law Enforcement Agencies," June 2003.


These are some of the comments that added useful information.


Training must emphasize that no investigative or intelligence collection activity may be based solely on race, ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation," the Touchstone document reads. "Specifically, training must focus on behavioral indicators that have a potential nexus to terrorist or criminal activity, while making clear that religious expression, protest activity, and the espousing of political or ideological beliefs are constitutionally protected activities that must not be equated with terrorism or criminality absent other indicia of such offenses."

Imagine the same standards for investigating other organized criminals (with a far lower likelihood of treason!), like the Sicilian American Mafia. The Mafia needs to form a "civil rights" front group , and to declare themselves as a branch of Catholicism. That will, not. How about Buddhism? Nope. Islam will do though.

The Mafioso Muslims. That will ensure an upturn in their fortunes. How special it is to howl at the moon.


Believing that Allah is the only god and Muhammad is his messenger is harmless. But the Muslim that obeys Muhammad's message becomes a psychopathic criminal and savage murderer. It is written in the Koran that an Infidel must accept Allah and his Prophet or be put to the sword. But since Allah is all merciful the Infidel will be allowed to live if he pays Jizya (extortion money) and agrees to become a despised sub-human.

Mike Villano

Bless Matt for his informed article but officialdom and law enforcement have been very active turning themselves into human pretzels in their footrace to tell readers and listeners "there's no Islamic terrorism here. Just keep moving on" for years now.

Remember Major Hassan's trial. And Jihadi-philo Obama has banned language needed to identify jihadis from LE and military literature. He is a poisonous boy waif devoid of knowledge or experience masquerading as an executive. Those of you still blind to this are indeed blind and will most likely remain so forever.


The top favorites of the Obama-Clinton administration are the Muslim Brotherhood, whose stated goal in America is the DESTRUCTION of civilization and global Islamic conquest. Muslim Brotherhood operatives and groups have been placed in extremely powerful positions in the government to help facilitate the MB goal. Hillary Clinton's very close personal assistant of many years is one of them.

The Islam-adoring, SHARIA-LAW LOVERS, infidel-hating Obama Regime ordered the FBI 'NOT' to treat people associated with Islamic terrorist groups as potential threats because our treasonous leaders don't want ANYTHING to stop Muslims from obeying the Quran war book. The Quran teaches hate, violence and murder of despised non-Muslims and commands Muslims to wage jihad against hated non-Muslims and conquer all nations.

The enemy is inside the gates and invited into our government by traitors. Why are our representatives not screaming from the rooftops against this treason against America?

If Saudi-style anti-blasphemy laws are implemented by the treasonous Obama-Clinton administration and other Western leaders it will be the end of freedom and the beginning of the longest, darkest night the world has ever known. We MUST not let it happen! Millions of us must take to the world's city streets in protest of this terrible evil!

Long live the Free World! LONG LIVE FREEDOM!

Matthew Vadum is an award-winning investigative reporter and the author of the recently published book, "Subversion Inc.: How Obama's ACORN Red Shirts Are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers." This article appeared on Front Page Magazine September 25, 2012 and is archived at

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