THE SHOOTOUT AT LAX: The Effrontery of the Jews

posted by Al Skudsi bin Hookah, roving reporter and foreign correspondent for The Gaza Gajeera
July 6, 2002

Hesham Mohamed Hadayet was a 41 year old Egyptian, who lived with his wife and children in Irvine California. He came to the USA in 1992. He worked hard and built up a successful livery business. He tried to live peaceably with his neighbors, who were clearly bigoted and prejudiced against him. One of them flew an American flag right above his apartment. And they didn't keep quiet when he was at prayer. And so many Jews! LA was full of them. He could see arrogance in their eyes. And his Christian neighbors were no better. They didn't seemed to understand that they were Dhimmis; they should be respectful to Muslims. And they were bad citizens. President Bush had told them Islam was a peaceful religion and should be respected, but they ignored the edict. It is not surprising Hadayet grew to hate them all, Christian and Jews. They had the gall to act as if they were better then him.

Despite the bad manners of his neighbors, he did his best to educate them according to Koranic teachings. On his last mission to educate, he had a premonition that the Jews would finally get him. So he made one final attempt to teach his neighbors the right way to live. After the shootout, when police arrived at his apartment, they found a sign on the door saying, "Read the Koran."

He always tried to teach rightousness. He lectured men who worked for him. He told them how it happened that the Jews had forced him to hate them. They sometimes bumped him on the street. They would drive so close to his limo, he was scared they would damage it. But lecturing was not enough. He was still angry.

Then he had his inspiration. With one dramatic incident, he would teach America a lesson they wouldn't forget. Even if it cost him his life, he would strike a blow for Islam. The Americans were brutally destroying bin Laden's men and armaments, so they didn't have a chance to organize a new incident in America. It was up to him to encourage the infidels to change course and become righteous. One of his friends had laughed that the foolish Americans became security conscious only near the planes -- they valued property more than lives. Anyone could come into an airport and go to the ticket counters and sit at the snack bars and they wouldn't give him a second look. In fact, if he was an Arab, they probably avoided looking at him. Profiling was politically incorrect.

He prepared. He had bought a gun. Then another. And he chose a knife carefully. He prayed, knowing that Allah would reward him for his good deed. He sent his wife and children to Egypt. In 8 days, he would act. We do not know how he purified himself the last week. He probably prayed. He may have called friends in Egypt for guidance or reassurance that his deed would be rewarded in Heaven.

July 4th came.

He drove carefully to the airport. He walked way across the terminal to the El Al ticket counter. This was Independence Day, an important holy day for Big Satan. He would show America how insignificant the day was for the rest of the world, a lesson they badly needed to learn. And he would kill many Jews, to boot.

Later, witnesses said he grew agitated while talking to 20-year-old El Al ticket agent Vicky Chen. We don't know what was said. But she was an Israeli. So it would not be surprising if she was disrespectful, aggressive. She probably did not behave like a proper female should.

He pulled out a gun and shot her. Immediately, he began firing at people in line. While everyone was still in shock, he continued to shoot. He shot and killed Jacob Aminov, 46. Chen and Aminov were Israeli, so there is no need for the USA to care about them. It isn't their fight. Four others were only mildly injured, including Canadian Sarah Phillips, aged 61. That he shot at women as well as men proves he was not a sexist.

And then he was brutally murdered by Haim Sapir, an El Al security officer. In disregard of UN Resolutions 497 1/2 and 603 a,b and x, Sapir did not read Hadayet his rights. We have learned the ACLU has been approached to sue El Al for their excessive use of violence. The group known as Nutty Voices Against the Occupation said they wanted to mount a protest rally against El Al but they were in Berkeley and it would be hard in the summer to get many people to Los Angeles. But they understood what was in Hadayet's heart. If Israel hadn't prevented Palestinians from returning to their orange groves in Tel Aviv, this wouldn't have happened. Europeans and humanitarian Jews prepared a new petition demanding that Israelis stop training their youth to shoot guns. "Guns kill. It's as simple as that. If the security officer hadn't responded so violently, the incident would have been over sooner. This way we have escalation. It is the start of another round of violence."

The FBI acted immediately to prevent the good name of Islam from being besmirched. Right after the shootout, the FBI was quick to point out -- some say even before they had identified Hadayet -- that this was probably not an act of terrorism. Besides them downplaying the incident, there are other signs the FBI is beginning to show proper respect for Islam. Why, just a few weeks ago, Robert Mueller, the director of the FBI, spoke to the annual convention of the American Muslim Council (AMC), despite pressure put on him by rabid Zionist organizations to cancel. He asked AMC for help in rooting out terrorists. And AMC will gladly help, should they ever come across a terrorist. But like the FBI, they don't really know (m)any. It is true they are loyal to Hamas and Hezbollah, but these are freedom fighters, not terrorists.

Israel and Jews in America of course called the shootout terrorism, before they knew the facts. If they had waited, they would have understood this certainly wasn't terrorism. It wasn't even a hate crime, though Hadayet had cause to hate. It was educational

In Egypt, Hadayet's wife denied that her husband was responsible. Asked for proof, she pointed out he had occasionally beat up on her, as a husband should if a wife steps out of line. He was a proper husband. He would not kill without cause.

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