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November-December 2011

What we are talking about in the November-December 2011 Issue

Interwoven Themes In This Issue (Editor)
Fabricating Peoplehood (Meir-Levi, Greenfield, Glick)
Dealing with Muslim Assaults (Auerbach, Fjordman, Lappen, Steele, Hamid, Fawstin, Eidelberg)
A Homeland For The Palestinian Arabs (Lerner, Sherman, Faybyshenko)
It's Puzzling (Bawer, Phillips, Greenfield, Rose, Sennels, Sherman, Newell)
How Churches Reacted To The Revival Of The Jewish State (Merkley, Shapira, Lowe, Merkley)
Academia (Narvey, Lipkin, Frantzman)
Media Matters (DasMaBebi, Bawer, Maistrovoy)
History Section (Mirza, Isaac, Meotti)
Readers' Blog-Ed Pages 

Interwoven Themes In This Issue

  (1) Our leaders in America, Europe and Israel have been perpetuating a hoax. They bought shares in the instant creation of a people, the Palestinians, who of course owned an Ozian country called Palestine, currently occupied by the Jooz, allies of the Wicked Witch of the West. The leaders and politicos and media knew it was a lie but they had a stake in it. How much of a share can be gauged from the aftermath of Newt Gingrich stating the obvious. Fellow politicians admitted it left-handedly but were annoyed that saying it out loud could drive a stake into the heart of the moribund peace process. And damage control has been vicious, varied and imaginative. The pent-up urge to examine the lives and motivation of our leaders, suppressed during Prez Obama's reign, has been released and every minute in Newt's life is under examination. In this issue we focus on facts. We'll spend more time on the aftermath next time.

 (2) Given the voiced intent to destroy Israel and the imminent danger of Muslims taking over host nations such as England, it is puzzling that people seem so unconcerned about their self-interest. Being unselfish and protective of the enemy when he is shooting at you isn't noble, it's nutty. We haven't figured it all out. Is it conditioned political correctness? Is it a deficiency of common sense? Is it cowardice moonlighting as nobility? Is it over reliance on authority figures (night time comedians and daytime big mouths)? Don't know. But maybe we've made a dent.

 (3) We add to our store of articles on how Muslims are promoting Sharia law and attempting to take over Western institutions. In the 1950s being called a Communist was in the same class of insult as being accused today of being a racist. And far more damaging to one's career. Senator Joseph McCarthy terrorized governmental and private agencies, accusing them -- usually falsely -- of being or harboring communists. At best he overstated the numbers and the danger; at worst he destroyed the lives of many who were no danger to the USA. It was observed that in his eagerness to squelch communism in America, McCarthy probably did more damage to the country than the communists. At the Army-McCarthy hearings in 1954, the army's lawyer, Joseph Welch, focusing on McCarthy's scattershot reckless accusations, asked, "Have you no sense of decency"?

 We ask the same of Islamic states such as Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Muslim groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and ordinary Muslims who are diligently engaged in promoting anti-Semitism globally. Some of the Muslim clergy and many leaders of Muslim countries are quite open about killing Jews. Perhaps sensing that Judaism must be eliminated if Islam is to succeed in making America and the Western countries subservient to Islamic law, many, many others are willing to use any lie, any misrepresentation, any smokescreen. They declare themselves without bigotry, members of a peaceful religion. Yet they distribute scurrilous books about Judaism while denying the Holocaust happened and that the Jews built Temples on the Temple Mount. They take joy in co-opting ignorant Jewish college students into helping denounce Israel. We ask them and the Western churchmen and academics who aid and abet the Muslim attempt at conquest. "Is there no red line? Is there nothing you won't misrepresent or lie about? Have you no shame?"

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 On December 9, 2011, Newt Gingrich did something very daring: he told the truth about the so-called Palestinian people. He said they were an invented people. The earnest idiots useful to the Pro-Palestinian cause may not have known that Palestinian people is a fabrication. The politicians and media people have likely known it all along. Their immediate response was not this is a shock. Let's look into this. but let's drown this information in silence or in scoffing or in bluster and get back to where we want to be: getting the Israelis to commit suicide by suing for peace.

 The articles in this segment are on how the myth of a Palestinian people was started and why we should act on the knowledge that the region is Jewish, not Palestinian Arab. As Martin Sherman has said, Sherman, "Un-inventing Palestinians", 16dec11 "Gingrich is totally correct when he observes that '... there's a lot to think about in terms of how fundamentally you want to change the terms of debate in the region.' ... The Palestinians [are] an artificial construct, [so the] notion of a Palestinian state and the 'two-state solution' [is devoid] of any validity. ... Resolving the Palestinian issue requires a paradigm shift — from the political to the humanitarian; from the collective to the individual." Read Sherman's article here.

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by David Meir-Levi

  David Meir-Levi recounts some of the history of the region called Palestine, emphasizing a fact often overlooked: in Ottoman times, the area was part of the Syrian Province; there was no Syrian state. And even after the British began calling the area Palestine, the local Arabs considered themselves inhabitants of Syria; they were not Palestinian. After the Six-Day War, Yasir Arafat declared that the Arabs in Samaria and Judea (aka the West Bank) as well as the Arabs who lived in Israel -- or who had lived in Israel -- were a people, and the machinery for creating a history for this "people" went into action. Now, some 40 years later, they have come to believe their own lies. And they've done an brilliant job selling this fiction to the world.



by Daniel Greenfield

 When Newt Gingrich said out loud what every political leader knows, namely, "Palestians are an invented people," there was immediate damage control by the dhimmi media. Has v halila the elaborate structure of lies supporting the Palestinian People Hoax should crack! Suppose people learned that most of the so-called Palestinians are ordinary Arabs, who didn't start coming into "Palestine" until the 20th Century? What would happen to the belief that Palestine belongs to an ancient people, the Palestinians -- the best weapon the Arabs have to attack Israel? Daniel Greenfield disposes of some of the myth of the Po' Palestinians.



by Caroline B. Glick

 Caroline Glick writes of the current types of damage control by those who have been using the claims of the pretended people as an excuse to kill off Israel or for their own purposes. Their doubletalk doesn't make for very compelling arguments, so I wonder: Will more politicians and opinion makers now come out of the woodwork and indicate that they knew all along the Palestinians were just a bunch of Arabs, much less entitled to their own state than an actual people such as the Kurds. If the trend continues, soon everyone will acknowledge that the Jews are occupying their own land, not someone else's; leaving only the brainwashed Arabs and a hardcore of Jew-haters to continue to believe nonsense.



 The West seems to live comfortably with contradictory notions about Islam. On the one hand, Islam is the religion of peace. On the other, we live in fear of arousing its anger and violence. It is as if we've been psychologically lobotomized. We hold very different perceptions of Islam in our minds, but the images don't seem to have a way to confront each other. Or perhaps it's just less scary to pretend Islam is gentle and civilized than to recognize Islam's shackling of the human spirit and its contempt for human life. Meantime, Muslims are attacking us, using propaganda, rewriting history, distorting our textbooks, pressuring our courts to use sharia law, attempting to criminalize any criticism of Islam, corrupting the U.N., infiltrating governmental agencies responsible for our security and murdering people here and everywhere else. This set of essays examines some of the confrontations Islam has initiated and suggests what Israel and the West must do to stop the assault on western civilization.

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by Jerold S. Auerbach

 With the connivance of the United Nations, the Palestinian Arabs have had free reign to attempt "to rob Israel of its history, heritage, and homeland." As Jerold S. Auerbach points out, "Plundering Jewish history and claiming Israeli land is, of course, the raison d'être of Palestinian existence." They have claimed Abraham was a Muslim, as was Jesus and presumably all the Jews living in Israel at the time of the Second Temple. They have claimed they have been in Palestine for eons, ignoring that most of the "Palestinians" came to what is now Israel and the Territories after 1900. The latest outrage is claiming "the Dead Sea as Palestine's own 'heritage site.'" While attempting to steal Israel's identity and history, they go well beyond the usual identity theft. They also claim Israelis have no history; Jews never had a Temple; they never had sovereignty in Israel.



by Peder Jensen, a.k.a. Fjordman

 This article is a joining of two essays by Fjordman that reject the myth that the Muslims preserved Greek-Roman culture and that is what kindled the development of European science and technology. As he points out, "Muslims have spent 1400 years trying to eradicate Greek societies all over the Eastern Mediterranean. Now they want to take the credit for saving the Greek cultural heritage." As an interesting sideline, note that the first essay was refused publication by Norway's largest newspaper, VG. It is dangerous in Norway to be critical of Islam -- outraged Muslims will try to kill you and/or firebomb your offices. Norway, however, is a strong contender for being the most antisemitic country in the West. Norwegian newspapers are as fearless in publishing antisemitic cartoons and stories as they are fearful of publishing anything negative about Islam. Rather like our own New York Times.



by Alyssa A. Lappen

 Alyssa A. Lappen reviews a book called Silenced. As she points out, had the authors written of the origins of the apostasy and blasphemy laws and how the requirement for punishment by death is permanently anchored in the immutable Koran, it could have been a "landmark study". Instead they leave the job to three Islamic clerics, who do a deft job of whitewashing the subject. But the book does serve to "catalog myriad effects of current legal codes for eight Muslim nations and regions, mostly penalties for allegedly criticizing or rejecting Islam." And it presents dozens of actual cases and the atrocious punishments that were imposed. Part 3 is important because it indicates how Islamic law could potentially affect non-Islamic countries. There have been "... efforts at the United Nations to globally bar 'defamation of religion,' a thinly veiled attempt to shield Islam alone from criticism." That gets close to home. It won't be just the FBI and Homeland Security that are barred from using negative descriptors when talking about the Religion of Peace.



by Shelby Steele

  Shelby Steele discusses the Arab war against the Jews, in which the Arab aggressors have successfully persuaded themselves and others that they are "victims of colonialism, ... victims of white supremacy." What is so thought-provoking about this essay is that Steele homes in on the power of a "poetic truth", a fantasy powerful enough to counter factual reality. As he points out, "Poetic truths ... are marvelous because no facts and no reason can ever penetrate. Supporters of Israel are up against a poetic truth," one that is supported by the West, which "lacks the moral authority" to speak the truth. We must counter the Arab narrative and Steele indicates some procedures for restating the narrative.



by Tawfik Hamid

  Tawfik Hamid reminds us that democracy doesn't happen magically by throwing a paper ballot into a box. "Dreaming about democracy without first setting its foundations is similar to dreaming about having a fruit tree without even sowing the seed." In the Arab world starting to develop the infrastructure of a democracy would translate into respecting the rights of minorities and substituting productive activities for their customary self-destructive activities. A tall order.



by Bosch Fawstin

  Bosch Fawstin was born a Muslim. He writes about the many Muslims that are indifferently religious. The non-Muslim Muslim isn't practicing a reformed version of Islam. He is not the moderate but genuinely religious Muslim that many Westerners assume exists. He's just not practicing his religion. But his ways can be imitated by the "stealth jihadists who have figured out how to say what we want to hear, while they scheme behind the scenes to further Islamize the West." The irony is that while Islam, being a religion, is assumed to be peaceful, in practice it is the jihadists who best express the values of Islam. In ten years of waging war, we haven't learned that to civilize Islam, we first will have to clobber its most dedicated practitioners. It doesn't help cultivate the right attitude toward our enemies that the American president says his role is to protect Islam. As Fawstin says, "This is war. We can't be on both sides."



by Professor Paul Eidelberg

 How does Israel create a peaceful environment in a unstable, violent area? How does Israel win the war her neighbors have been waging against the Jews since before modern Israel's inception? Professor Paul Eidelberg had some sensible advice. First, the Israeli government must start with a realistic assessment of Muslim theology, which means understanding "there are no empirical grounds to expect Muslims to renounce Jihadism," unless they are totally defeated. Eidelberg suggests some practical actions to calm the Territories. To win the war requires an understanding that "the circumstances confronting Israel are extreme — its very existence is at stake. Therefore, where each of the possible lines of action involves difficulty, the strongest line is the best." Or, as Eidelberg puts it, "Kill for Peace."



  For many years, the Arabs living in the Territories and those living in Arab countries as refugees were passed off as the original inhabitants of the Land of Israel, but it's become known that most of them came into what is now Israel and its Territories starting in the 20th Century. They are not a people and they don't desire to live peacefully as neighbors of Israel. But there are practical considerations -- including the expense of maintaining millions of professional refugees -- to settling them in their own space. The first essay in the set points out that giving them a state in or next to Israel will change their tactics but not their mania for destroying Israel. They need to be transferred out of the region. The other essays suggests some solutions. Over the years, we have published different solutions that make the statement that "EITHER there is a 2-state solution OR there is a 1-state solution" a nonsensical assertion. Several solutions,
including Think-Israel's article on Palestina were published here.
Some other recent innovative suggestions are here
Google for others posted over the years.

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by Aaron Lerner

 To understand matter, computer modeling and simulation depend on what data we have on quarks and hadrons and such. In politics, predictions depend on a deep understanding of the character of the players. Despite the fact that Iran used its own children to find bombs in a field by stepping on them, it is difficult, perhaps impossible, for a westerner to believe that any human society would be willing to sacrifice a large part of its population to kill off another society, hence its predictions of Iran's future actions will suffer. Aaron Lerner asks whether the Palestinian Arabs want a state that incorporates Israel or one that exists next to it. We don't need sophisticated techniques to know the answer. The Arab street and the Arab leaders have always said they wish to eliminate the present Jewish state and there is nothing in their actions that alters their voiced intent. Lerner lays out the social engineering the Palestinian Arabs -- or their handlers -- might practice to destroy Israel after they have a state. Lerner incorporates into his analysis an assessment of the future activity of some other Arab countries, which -- in the face of reality -- were presumed stable. In sum, Lerner suggests that after acquiring a state neighboring Israel, the continuing plans to destroy Israel are likely to be brilliant and definitely not based on the comforting notions that everyone is civilized and everyone wants only to see their children have a good life.



by Martin Sherman

 It follows that if the notion of an authentic Palestinian people is fallacious, then they are not the owners of "Palestine" and the thrust to deprive Israel of its rightfully-owned land becomes nonsensical, if not downright hostile. Nevertheless, there are the so-called Arab refugees, individuals from different clans and their descendants, who have been kept in a state of suspended animation for some 60 years. There are also the local Arabs, most of whom immigrated into the Territories in the 20th century. Martin Sherman does a masterful job in laying out a comprehensive plan to relocate these people to a suitable milieu in an Arab country or Arab countries, where they could live as citizens and be responsible for their own lives. The plan would also benefit the economy of the countries that would play host.



by Gennadiy Baruch Faybyshenko

 There is no way that Israel can allow the return of the 1948 Arab refugees and their multiple descendents and camp followers and remain a viable state. Gennadiy Baruch Faybyshenko suggests an alternative way of giving the Palestinian Arabs their own place and at the same time letting Saudi Arabia express its concern for the Palestinian Arabs in a practical way. Saudi Arabia is wealthy, very large and sparsely populated. It is an ideal place to put a Palestinian state, a state that would be located in an environment that is Arab in religion, culture and lifestyle, a state where other countries, concerned with the welfare of the Palestinians, can come help develop. Concerned Jews could help by lobbying their congressmen to help implement a Palestinian state in Saudi Arabia.



 1. How are communities of people manipulated to act against their own best interests?

 2. And why do they go along with it?

 In European cities, as soon as they have sufficient control, Muslims set up enclaves from which non-Muslims are excluded. Yet the Europeans, particularly in Britain and Norway, do not respond appropriately. Europeans have become submissive to their enemies, the Muslims, and actively hostile to their loyal Jewish citizens. They berate Israel and are strong partisans of the Palestine Arabs.

 As another example: fearful of being labeled a bigot, many Jews help Muslims fight Islamophobia. But Muslims attack Jews everywhere, the more so when they have the power, so increasing Muslim control is hardly in the best interest of the Jews. Other essays suggests possible reasons for self-harming behavior.

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by Bruce Bawer

 From the point of view of self-interest, the surge in anti-semitism in Europe seems illogical. The Muslims are pushing forward to impose their culture over the native mores. Instead of resisting and making common cause with Jews, who are under Islamic attack worldwide, Europeans are allowing Muslims to encroach, while throwing their Jewish citizens to these present-day marauders. Bruce Bawer describes the situation in Norway; but it could be describing the prevailing conditions over much of Europe.



by Melanie Phillips

  Melanie Phillips clearly and factually rejects some assertions by Muslims about antisemitism; namely, that Muslims are not anti-Jewish, that factual criticism of Islam (Islamophobia) is the same as inventive fabrications against Judaism and that Jews and Muslim should be fighting Islamophobia together. She speaks specifically of these notions coming from Baroness Warsi, but many Muslim leaders say the same. The chutzpa of Muslims -- major distributors of antisemitic literature -- encouraging Jews to help Muslims demolish Israel and demote Jews to dhimmi status!



by Daniel Greenfield

 Daniel Greenfield notes that were Muslims told they were responsible for Muslim terrorism, "world opinion" would be in an uproar. Yet Jews are told they are responsible for the Muslim violence against them and the expectation is they will accept the rebuke -- they might even take it to heart. Greenfield points out that in one sense Israel is to blame for Muslim violence because Israel tolerates it. It threatens meaningless threats of retaliation. It eventually shoots up empty Arab houses. It is understanding of Arab justifications. Israelis act like saps so they're treated that way.



by Alex Rose

  Governments are often portrayed as acting coolly and sensibly, backed by objective appraisals and in accordance with the country's best interests. But in this essay, Alex Rose demonstrates that Obsessional Anti-Semitism disproportionately governed the activities of Nazi Germany and its soulmates, the Arab countries, who should have been worrying how to escape out of medievalism into modern times. The Arabs were aided and abetted and in some cases incited by the the British, who had undertaken to help the Jews develop their homeland into a State, but who found undermining the eventual and then the newly-born Jewish state irresistible. From the 1930s on, England illegally declared Jewish immigration to Palestine illegal. The Brits then devoted much of their time and effort to make sure the Jews didn't escape from the Nazis. Rose shows us how often frank antisemitism, however irrational, is the real determinant of what nations do.



by Nicolai Sennels

 The Muslims are trying on the UN and European Union level and on the Federal level in individual countries, to make it a crime to criticize Islam, where criticism is a crime whether the information is factual or not. In this essay, Nicolai Sennels elucidates some likely reasons why people deny the reality of Islamic infiltration into the West in order to remain politically correct. To his list, may I add one: for far too many "educated" people, a "heretical" opinion -- or even a conclusion easily derived from known facts -- is not accepted in polite society until it has been blessed by spilled coffee on the pages of the New York Times. This article is important in understanding how the Political Correctness Muzzle Effect can override reality. And why historians wonder years later, why people didn't see the obvious.



by Martin Sherman

 In this essay, Martin Sherman makes the point that political liberalism, a major achievement of the West, is destroying itself by attempting to apply its values and expectations to societies that do not have the environment in which it can thrive. As a major inconsistency, one can not praise diversity and then act as if diverse cultures all have the same set of values. It would be more intelligent, when dealing with a totalitarian society based on Islamic teachings, if we factored in the belief system and acceptable practices of that alien society instead of assuming we are all reading from the same page in a book written in American English.



by Waller R. Newell

 This essay by Waller Newell gives a different twist to the examination of why people act against their own self-interest: different selves have different interests. He explores what happens when people make a extraordinary attempt at bettering their lives, increasing their choices and their freedom to make choices. Using the recent uprising in Egypt and the hopes by many for an 'Arab spring', he throws cold water on the belief that their revolution will lead to democratic reform. He also counters the bland assertions of the American administration that the Muslim Brotherhood -- which will eventually gain power -- is moderate. Revolutions for the most part follow a script: "The initial reformist phase ... focusing on individual rights and opportunity is swept aside by radicals who want an egalitarian and collectivist political order." Hope turns to dust; bright beginnings rust. And the objectives of the dictatorship that finally takes over negate the good intentions of the original "good guys".



Many church groups have come to understand emotionally, not just factually, that Jesus was born a Jew and died a Jew and that Christianity came out of Judaism, which is why their fundamental belief system is what it is. Their attitude is based in Scripture. These Christian Zionists are accused of being brainwashed by theories such as dispensationalism. They have had to fend off various other suspicions. They are suspected of helping Israel in order to bring about the Rapture; this is true in some cases. How many is unknown. Real numbers are hard to come by. Anecdotes abound. They are accused of having a not-so-hidden agenda to convert the Jews to Christianity in a more kindly fashion than in the Middle Ages. Again, this is true for some. But many -- quite possibly the majority - of the Christian Zionists are sincere and dedicated to Israel's welfare as a family matter.

 In contrast, other churches despise the Jewish state and are dedicated to destroying it. Activist Presbyterians and Episcopalians temper their language but their actions tell all. Senior American Presbyterian Church officials meet openly with Hezbollah. christian Action for Israel They enthusiastically endorse BDS (boycotts, divestiture and sanctions against Israel). In contrast, the various Middle Eastern churches make no secret of their animosity. They have the most to lose as Muslims gain the power to destroy Christianity completely in the Middle East, yet they are the most vocal in castigating Israel for any and all crimes. This set of essays examines the views of these antagonistic churches.

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by Paul Charles Merkley

 Christian Zionists -- some of Israel's staunchest and most dedicated friends -- are under attack from mainline Protestant churches and academic clerics. Paul Merkley's new book, entitled Those That Bless You I Will Bless: Christian Zionism in Historical Perspective (Mantua Books, December 5, 2011) counters their specious arguments. As David Parsons of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem The Jerusalem Connection says, "In recapturing core biblical truths, ordinary Christians also reawakened to the enduring Jewish hope for restoration in the Land of Israel. Out of British 'Restorationism' emerged the modern-day Christian Zionism movement with the explicit purpose of lending vital support to a reconstituted Jewish state."

To provide context and a contrast to the church groups under examination, we are reprinting Merkley's 2007 paper, Christian Zionism, 101. Its introduction read:

Anti-Zionists assert that Christian Zionism derives from "dispensationalism," an off-center Biblical interpretation popular in the eighteen hundreds. Paul Merkley's essay is an effective antidote to anti-Zionist pseudo-theology. His is a very readable, very factual account of what characterizes Despisers of Zion and Defamers of Christian Zionists. These "...chatterers make no effort to get straight the facts about Christian faith. Indeed, it is considered a proof of one's qualification to speak about the biggest issues of life that one should betray no first-hand knowledge of the content of faith..." Countering their propaganda, Professor Merkley cogently explains the actual basis of Christian Zionism: it doesn't come from Dispensationism; it comes from mainstream Protestant theology and the literature of biblical commentary.
See also Victor Sharpe's article on Christian Zionism here.
and an excellent overview by Edward Brotsky here.



by Chanah Shapira

  Christian Aid, a well-endowed agency of the World Council of Churches (WCC), was established to alleviate poverty in Israel and the Territories. In actual fact, it is highly-politicized and a strong no-holds-barred promoter of the same anti-Israel ideology as the WCC, using half-truths, omission of critical facts, distortions and lies ad lib as needed. It is politically important because it "determines the actual Middle East policy line" for the leadership of several major UK churches. Christian Aid (CA) provides far-left anti-Israel PR and funds far-left Pro-Palestinian political activist organizations such as the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, which, like its patron, doesn't feel constrained to be truthful as it works to delegitimize Israel. In fact, as Dexter Van Zile wrote of Sabeel's founder, "In Ateek's writing Christian supersessionism merges with Islamic supersessionism in the Middle East to form a united front of contempt toward Jewish sovereignty." Updating the Ancient Infrastructure of Christian Contempt: Sabeel by Dexter van Zile Jan 2011 In this essay, Chanah Shapira systematically examines some of the churches in the UK whose attitude toward Israel reflect CA's strong anti-Israel bias: it's all Israel's fault. So say they all.



by Malcolm Lowe

 Many of the "facts" that influence Western Protestant churches to support the Palestinian Arabs come from Christian Arab theologians. In dhimmi fashion they have promoted the Muslim Arab cause by asserting that the Jews are responsible for Christians fleeing the Middle East, without explaining why the Christian population is decreasing drastically in the Arab countries and increasing only in Israel. In this essay, Malcolm Lowe discusses the latest theological enterprise of Lutheran Pastor Mitri Raheb and Anglican Reverend Naim Ateek. Raheb asserts, despite all contrary evidence, that all of the Bible, including the Book of Persian Queen Esther, was written in Palestine and that Jesus wasn't Jewish but Palestinian. The Jews aren't native to Palestine but the hordes of Arabs that came into the region mostly after 1900 are descendents of an ancient people, and, mirabile dictu, it is the Palestinian Arab Christians who are God's Chosen People. Essentially, Raheb and Ateek are refining the theme that the Arabs are the owners of Israel and the Territories. They give the honor of being the original people of the land to the remaining Christian Arabs Palestinians. What will they think of next?


by Paul C. Merkley

 Paul Merkley writes about the antisemitism of the non-Protestant churches which are by far the oldest and the largest churches in the Middle East: the Eastern Orthodox (Greek Orthodox, Church of Cyprus), the Oriental Orthodox (Armenian Apostolic, Coptic Orthodox and Syriac Orthodox) and the Catholic (Armenian Catholic, Chaldean Catholic, Coptic Catholic, Greek Melkite Catholic, Latin Patriarchate, Maronite Catholic and Syrian Catholic). While the Roman Catholic Church has repudiated demonizing the Jews and inventing blood libels, these Eastern churches remain theologically as much in the Middle Ages as the Muslim majority. Antisemitism is ingrained; contempt for the Jews is visceral. Unless the doer of an evil deed is immediately known and this knowledge can't be denied, the evil is attributed to the machinations of the Jews. The less likely that the Jews could possibly be involved, the more unshakably certain are they that it was somehow part of a Zionist conspiracy. As Merkley points out, this attitude persists at a time that "the Christian communities of the Arab world are being forced upon the path to extermination." And not by the Jews.



Many a university campus has become a hostile environment for the Jewish students who have come for a liberal arts education. College administrators allow Muslim students to terrorize Jewish students and control who is allowed to speak on campus, while all the time proclaiming the need for freedom of speech for all. Organizations whose titles identify them as fighting prejudice against Jews have left Jewish students to fend for themselves. Leftist professors use their classrooms to inculcate students with their political ideology, not their specialized academic knowledge. Whatever happened to the notion that being at University was a time when one could indulge in intellectual pursuits in a serene environment?

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Bill Narvey

 Antisemitism is on the increase. Some 70% of the anti-religion hate crimes in America are against Jews. And what are the Biggie Jewish organizations doing? They are busy, busy, busy. Abe Foxman of the ADL is defending the penetration of Muslim Sharia law into our academic and financial institutions and law courts. He is attacking Jews for worrying. Silly us, we must be suffering from Islamophobia. He suggests, as corrective action, we should help pay to build Mosques In America. MIA. An acryonym that also describes where his brain is -- it's Missing In Action. Hillel? Hillel at Penn State is helping the Muslims denounce Israelis who are defending themselves against Muslim rockets. AJC? It's encouraging the political parties to keep Israel out of their political agendas. We wouldn't want Jews to find out what Obama has in store for Israel -- that would be awful. They might not vote for him again. AIPAC? AIPAC is still out there with lighted lantern looking for an Arab who will accept a big chunk of Israel. The sign on the lantern reads: "Wanted: an Arab who can play peace partner for a limited engagement."

Private individuals have taken on themselves the jobs the Biggies have abdicated. Bill Narvey has compiled information on the situation at University of California. The Amcha Initiative has been doing the work the major Jewish organizations should be doing: attempting to get the U. of California to stop the Muslim harassment of Jewish students. The major item is a letter to Mark Yudof, President, University of California, from Tammi Rossman-Benjamin and Leila Beckwith of the Amcha Initiative.

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Bernice Lipkin

 John Mearsheimer has done damage to Jews by putting a veneer of scholarship on the gutter lie that Jews control America's foreign policy. While not everyone saw this as evidence of anti-Semitism, he proved it was by endorsing a frank anti-semitic book. He has done damage to his profession by his sloppy scholarship. And most of all he has helped enable suppressed anti-Semitism to be voiced openly as it was prior to World War 2. Students at the U of Chicago, in a well-written and well-stated brief, call for his retirement.



by Seth J. Frantzman

  Seth Frantzman examines the issue of academics who publically insult the ethnicity, politics or religion of others -- especially when the "others" may be students who can't answer back -- yet they enjoy "the presumption that their work with students remains unbiased and uninformed by their sometimes radical views." Should academics enjoy a special type of free speech that no other occupation enjoys? How do inappropriate remarks by faculty members impact the environment at their universities? Should they should be allowed to behave and to speak in a manner considered unacceptable in the general society? Considering the number of academics who preach rather than teach, these questions are seriously in need of resolution.


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by Dr. Yasser DasMaBebi

 That noted linguist, Dr Yasser DasMaBebi, has graciously offered to help us understand the meaning of words and phrases used in stories and news coming from the Middle East. He makes the meaning so clear he has inspired others to add to our understanding. He also provides us with memorable examples of exquisite Arab poetry.



by Bruce Bawer

 Using a recent book of essays on Islam as a political religion as anchor, Bruce Bawer notes that "while Islamic Studies professors have continued to whitewash the religion of peace, responsible-minded men and women outside of the Islamic Studies racket have taken up the job of truth-telling, publishing a number of substantial, and in some cases encyclopedic, volumes about Islam." Nevertheless, "ignorance and outright duplicity about the basic facts of Islam still reign supreme throughout the West." And too many of the next generation of leaders, now at college, are being inculcated with an inaccurate picture of Islam.



by Alex Maistrovoy

 As Alex Maistrovoy writes, "Political commentaries about the events in the Middle East resemble mythological plots written by an experienced censor." One is the narrative that it was all Israel's fault that she lost Turkey's support because she was too rigid, she was unaccepting of Arab demands for dignity, etc., etc., etc. Maistrovoy points out that Recep Erdogan began hostilities against Israel well before any incident that could be claimed to have contributed to a change of relations. In looking for the culprit that created friction between Turkey and Israel, it would be better to look at Erdogan's goals: "the creation of the Islamic state, rejection of Kemal Atatürk's secular heritage and revival of the Ottoman Empire." With the press fixating on what Israel did wrong, it will a big surprise to them when Erdogen's hostility toward Greece and Cyprus as well as to Israel become more obvious.


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by Dr. Syed Kamran Mirza

 Syed Kamran Mirza explains the particular hatred Muslims have toward Jews. At the beginning of the establishment of Islam, Mohammad praised the Jews, hoping they would certify him as a legitimate Biblical prophet but the Jews rejected his claims. Hell hath no fury like a self-proclaimed prophet scorned. As his megalomania grew, he demonized the Jews and then massacred them. His hate of Judaism is accurately reflected in the later verses of the Koran and hadith. And that is what Muslim children are taught.



by David Isaac

 David Isaac writes of two errors that should be rectified. Field Marshal Edmund Allenby has been honored by having a major thoroughfare named after him in Tel-Aviv. As Isaac points out, Allenby's hostility to Jews "set the precedent and the tone for all subsequent administrations..." Contrariwise, Israel's debt to Col. John Henry Patterson has not been acknowledged. Perhaps reversing the commission and the omission will help teach Israelis who their friends are and who are not their friends.



by Giulio Meotti

  Giulio Meotti writes about the circumstances surrounding the October 1982 terror attack on Rome's synagogue. "Qaddafi gave safe haven to the terrorist who bombed Rome's synagogue, killing a Jewish child. But Italy, as this article exposes, was a collaborator and tacit facilitator to terrorists and terrorism." "Now that Muammar Qaddafi (who protected Abu Nidal's terrorist group responsible for the massacre) has been killed in Lybia, many voices are asking Silvio Berlusconi's government to reveal the secrets of the Italian appeasement to anti-Jewish terrorism ..."


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